“ES6” which stands for ECMAScript 2015(6th Edition) is the current version of the ECMAScript Language Specification standard. It is the most recent update to Javascript and it has brought many changes to the language which makes it simpler to use and understand. As it is the latest update, you might want to use it in your browsers because obviously you want to be updated with the latest trends.
Category: Automation
Gulp – The stream build system – Part 2
In the previous article of gulp i.e. Part 1, we learned to write a simple task and run it. Now let’s look more into gulp and write some tasks.
Gulp tasks are a bit more complex than the simple ‘hello’ task. They contain two additional gulp methods and a variety of gulp plugins which can be found at http://gulpjs.com/plugins/
Gulp – The stream build system – Part 1
While developing any JavaScript project it includes processes such as testing, minification, concatenating files, compiling templates. This is most error prone and tedious task. What if you have a build tool to automate all these repetitive tasks for you. One of such tools is Gulp.